
I was introduced to astronomy at 3 years old when my father set up a telescope with a now-not-so-recommended solar filter eyepiece pointed at the Sun during a partial solar eclipse in southern California in the late 60’s.  Through grade school, I had one of those infamous Moon maps hanging on my bedroom wall and took on the effort in memorizing the Constellations.

I fell out of touch with astronomy all together through high school, college, and adult life.  But, while working for a microwave technology construction company between 2001-2007, I had the opportunity to provide wireless communication solutions for the University of Arizona, including the Whipple Visitors Center and Base Camp, all the way up to the top of Mt. Hopkins at the MMT.  I also serviced the microwave shot from the MMT to the University of Arizona, Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory.  Then, at the age of 41, I had the opportunity to attended a 4-day, 3-night astronomy camp at the Steward Observatories on Mts. Lemmon and Bigelow in 2006 that included a full, last day tour of the Kitt Peak National Observatory...

I got the bug!!!  I am now embarked on a lifetime adventure into astrophotography and the construction of a fully remote backyard observatory under the dark skies of San Tan Valley, AZ.  During this time, I attended the very first class offering of Adam Block's Making Every Pixel Count workshop in 2008 at the then newly-formed Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter.

The endeavor continues and this website is testimony to that fact.  Check back often to see what I have been up to!  ;o)

Best regards & clear skies!

Arnold Iverson